[Usability] Placing menus at the bottom [was button ordering]

The recent discussion of button ordering brought up a subject that has
irked me for some time.  Regardless of which direction we write, we all
write top to bottom.  And I gather from the discussion that the pointer
tends to rest at the bottom of the screen/window when the user is
reading.  When I use a menu, it often obscures the top portion of the
screen/window, and when I'm using a touch screen, my hand can obscure
most of the display.  If the menu's were placed at the bottom of the
screen or window, they, my pointer, and my hand would interfere with my
view less often.

I think my interaction would be simpler and faster if fubar was anchored
at the bottom of the screen, and the task/workspace bar was at the top. 
When menu bars are placed at the bottom of a window, there is less
opportunity to active a toolbar button or window control by mistake. I'd
be even happier if the fubar also displayed the menus of the active
application. (I hope I'm not alone in my frustration using a right mouse
button to access XMMS's menus.)

__S i n z u i___________________________________
sinzui cox rr com
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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