Re: Default button in dialogs

On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 08:33:56PM +0100, colin z robertson wrote:
> The idea that buttons which cause "destructive" actions should not be
> the default is truly horrible. I can think of nothing more infuriating
> than hitting the delete key and then having to press Alt-D rather than
> enter because the Delete confirmation button was not allowed to be the
> default.

I can. You are typing away, and a dialogue comes up but you didn't notice
and continued typing your "pwd" command, hit return, and just glimpse a
window vanish...  along with a file you didn't intend to delete.

Unix users are very likely to be running more than one program at a time,
since the OS and the dominant windowing system (X) both encourage this.

Right now we have fairly arbitrary dialogues, though, and any spec at
all might be better than none, because it will establish the idea of
having one.


Liam Quin - Barefoot in Toronto - liam holoweb net -
Author, Open Source XML Database Toolkit, Wiley August 2000
Co-author: The XML Specification Guide, Wiley 1999; Mastering XML, Sybex 2001

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