Re: Logout interface, Halt checkbox

On 2001.07.20 21:42 Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero wrote:
> kop meme com (2001-07-20 at 2059.25 -0500):
> > The GNOME Usability Study Report at
> > recommends that the logout dialog Halt "checkbox label reads 'Suspend
> (Halt
> > - stops the processor)'".  I belive it should say 'Halt (stop for
> > poweroff)'.  This better describes what happens when the checkbox is
> > chosen.  (Usability Principle: Match between system and the real
> world.)
> So the screen could be Logout <username>, Reboot computer and Turn off
> computer (with ATX machines it would go to power off, with AT it would
> go to a "machine is stopped" msg, halt). IMHO it is better to use long
> phrases that do not mix with others things, as halt as demostrated.
> Also no need for parenthesis and you can specifi "who" to logout.

"Turn off computer" is plain short and distinct.  I wrote "stop for
poweroff" because I thought that those with AT motherboards might wind up
confused when a) the computer didn't really turn off (power down) and b)
the only way to recover was with a powercycle.  I've stupidly gone and
pressed the reset button and had to figure out that the halted CPU wasn't
going to respond to the interrupt.

But people _are_ used to having to powercycle to recover.  It's some folks
default response!  So I'd go for the clarity of "Turn off computer".  It
contrasts plainly with "Restart computer".

Karl <kop meme com>

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