[Usability] Quitting/Closing [Was: Ctl+W]

<quote who="Gregory Merchan">

> To be rid of the item, the interface must single-document; i.e., SDI.
> There are ways to do things like tabbed-MDI without a Close menu item, but
> they tend to be awkward. As an SDI, the Quit item should also go away.
> This leaves One Way to Do It (tm). Use the window manager close command.
> (Either click the button or use whatever window manager shortcut is
> assigned.)


  - The two commands, Quit and Close in Netscape/Mozilla have always
    confused me; many times I've lost all of my browsers window by hitting
    the Quit item through muscle memory ("get rid of window, last item on
    menu, click... BUGGER.")

  - The window manager is better at managing windows and their properties
    (saved locations, etc) than any MDI interface.

  - "But tabs are great!" Tabs don't allow you to see the other documents.
    In some cases, they're very good (browsing), in others, they're terrible
    (graphics or publishing).

  - The system becomes document-centric by default with multiple SDI
    windows. This is a very good target for GNOME (especially with network
    and component considerations).

- Jeff

   She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had already lost   

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