> > <3B8D90BA 785DC91 na infn it>
<3B8E0CCF F5ECA7E9 menthos com>
> >
> > >
> > > If there is a toolbar with the same functionality, then why are
> > > buttons at the bottom needed?
> > >
> >
> > anyway the 'new terminal' is a popup menu with all user defined
command and it
> > is not
> > in the toolbar such functionality so but prev and next buttons
other buttons are
> > quite
> > useful and moreover it's a question of taste.
So, let me see if I understand this correctly, the "New terminal" is
button that launches a popup menu with user defined commands? If this
true, then my questions are:
1) Why is a button launching
a popup menu? This seems backwards
to me, and the interface
gives no hint at all that I can see that
this is the case (usually
an arrow indicates this kind of thing,
but I would argue that the
soulution below is better)
2) Why is the button then
labeled "New terminal"?
1) it's similar to konsole button but in multignometerm the popup
menu, which appears, contains
also the user defined commands:I think it' useful!
2)because you can start a new terminal using it (executing in it several
program as midnight commander., a root
shell or user defined commands
I think a better idea would be to simply include the menu with user
defined commands as a menu in the main menu bar. This probably helps
users spot that they can access these actions, and improves keyboard
navigation to access these commands.
that menu already exists in the main menu, I repeat: it's a questio of
Regarding this being a matter of taste. Well, yes, to an experienced
user it definately is. But on the same time I can't help thinking that
some things are backwards in the interface and do not behave (according
to your descriptions) as they usually do in graphical interfaces, there
is a lot of redundant functionality, and some things are confusingly
labeled. All of these are things that usually confuses and distracts
both experienced and novice users alike, and usually constitutes some
usability problem - the application is not as easy to use as it could
I agree with you but my model for buttons was konsole
Since you wrote to usability gnome org, I assumed you wanted advice.
you're right...
not saying that what I'm saying must be right, I'm
fairly certain that
there are different opinions also on this list, I'm just trying to
identify spots that I think are possibly unclear and problematic with
the interface of this improved terminal.
Making such "problem spots" configurable and a preference is in my
opinion a bad way of getting rid of them, I think trying to identify
resolve these issues is a much better approach. If you resolve them,
there is no need to make them configurable and try to hide them. There
can be too many preferences too, which also adds clutter and usually
also is distracting.
So let me first thank you for writing to the usability mailing list
(from what I know you are the first one to ask for advise on this list
:), but I also want to ask you to please be open to suggestions on
you can improve the interface. Also, it probably helps a lot of people
if we keep this discussion on the list, instead of always replying
private - that makes it difficult for other people to follow the
> > The best way is that you see the multignometerm in actio nthere
are also
> > executables now
> > try and send me your impressions, I wait them ok?
I tried to find packages, but I couldn't find them.
this where you'll find all:
> > > change was what I suggested, yes.
> > >
> >
> > Have you some icon to suggest?
Stock close icon?
Thanks again!
I repeat: probably the best thing you can do it's to see the multignometerm
running anyway
regarding the button bar it's an open problem whether to remove it
or not
thank you very much again