Re: Consideration of "saving" files

On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 04:04:19AM -0700, Seth Nickell wrote:
> So looking into the star trek future of GNOME, what would happen if we
> did away with "saving" files, and instead provided a model where users
> could "revert" to document changes using a few different methods

This model is already in use on Palm Pilots (the autosaving part at
least, not the reversion unfortunately).  It's quite nice, but only
works because the Pilots seldom fail, and because users seldom enter
much more than a line or two of text at a time.

It's a nice way to work, but I think that very frequent auto-saves or
a much higher level of reliability will be required before I'd stop
missing a way to force a save to disk of a document that I'd been

-- John Kodis.

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