Re: Usability list? Eh?

On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 08:42:08PM +0100, Calum Benson wrote:
> colin z robertson wrote:
> > I am now. Thanks, Calum, for letting me know about this. But what the
> > hell's going on? What's wrong with the gnome-gui list?
> Well, all of what follows is just my personal and humble opinion... 

Thanks for responding to my ranting in a level-headed manner.

> So, my take on the new list is that it's been set up to try and
> eradicate some of the negative historical baggage that g-g-l has,
> hopefully get everyone back on board who should be involved in writing
> guidelines etc., and get things moving faster and in a more organised
> fashion than they have been up until now.

hmm. Well, to the untrained eye it does look rather like an insult.

> > So why is there suddenly a new mailing list and a new UI Guidelines
> > project? What was wrong with the old ones?
> See above  :o)  Summary: nothing was/is inherently wrong with them, I
> think something just had to be done to get people motivated and
> interested in it again.  Whether or not new lists/websites/IRC channels
> will help remains to be seen, I guess, but it seemed to be a fairly
> popular course of action amongst the people at GUADEC who expressed an
> interest.

If you want my opinion, the way to motivate people and to shake off a
negative image would be to actually do something useful. Creating a
new mailing list is just window-dressing. And proposing UI Guidelines
is easy -- I've seen it done several times before.


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