Usability list? Eh?

On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 05:13:31PM +0100, Calum Benson wrote:
> BTW, are you on the (relatively) new usability gnome org mailing list? 
> Sounds like things are starting to happen over there in terms of getting
> the whole style guide project back on track.

I am now. Thanks, Calum, for letting me know about this. But what the
hell's going on? What's wrong with the gnome-gui list?

If people want to start up a project to revive the UI Guidelines then
that's great. As I've said before, I can't put as much time into it as
it deserves and it would take me a hell of a long time to finish it on
my own.

...But we have archives here, people. If anyone wanted to know the
status of the Guidelines they'd only have to browse the archives of
the gnome-gui list (which is really the most obvious place to look)
and they'd have an answer. If they were feeling lazy they could just
post a one-sentence question and I'd tell them.

So why is there suddenly a new mailing list and a new UI Guidelines
project? What was wrong with the old ones?


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