Re: [Tracker] Moving Tracker discussions from tracker-list gnome org to


On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 2:34 PM Sam Thursfield via tracker-list <tracker-list gnome org> wrote:
Hi all,
The GNOME project now has a self-hosted instance of the Discourse forum software, running at

The GTK+ mailing lists have already closed and all discussion has moved to Discourse, and they have seen a significant increase in participation as a result.

At the Tracker BoF in GUADEC we discussed moving to Discourse and everyone present thought it was a good idea, so I'm going to look at how we can migrate Tracker.

Basically we need to create a 'Tracker' tag on the discourse instance, and close this list and cause it to respond to requests with a notice that discussion is now on discourse.

Let me know your thoughts!

Just FTR, I'm totally on board with this. On one hand I personally suck at email, and OTOH this list does not get to see a lot of activity (most of it lately were release announces, and they even dropped on the floor at some point, that is my bad).

I hope using Discourse would improve perception, not only from the people interested in Tracker specifically, but also from other users of the GNOME platform infrastructure in general.


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