[Tracker] Content Apps + Tracker BoF at GUADEC 2019

Hi Tracker folks!
We had a small BoF about Tracker and the GNOME content applications at GUADEC 2019 today.

If anyone is interested in reading the notes, you can find them here: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/content-apps-tracker-2019 (they are quite messy right now, in the process of being cleaned up a bit).

In particular, we have been discussing that the next release of Tracker after 2.3.0 is probably going to be a 3.0 release. There are architectural changes required to do sandboxing effectively. Nothing major will happen until after the 2.3.0 release is completed, so we will start some discussions about the proposed 3.0 changes later in the year.


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