Re: [Tracker] Removing Maemo support upstream

On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 11:57 AM, Andrew Branson
<andrew branson jollamobile com> wrote:
Thanks for the checking and the CC! I've tried to join the mailing list
several times but for some reason I never get a confirmation mail back. Any
chance of a manual add for this address?

I asked about this in the GIMPnet #sysadmin channel, seems to be sorted now.

I've been eyeing those maemo and nemo features suspiciously recently -
Tracker isn't used for any of that stuff in Sailfish now as far as I can
tell. So it's fine for me to remove that stuff - anything I find we're
actually using I'll switch to patches. We're still on 1.8.0 for now though
as I still have to find a solution to losing the libmediaart.

OK, great, unless someone else speaks up I'll remove all the stuff I
listed above. It's easy enough to revert any removals later if it
turns out I was overzealous :-)


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