Re: [Tracker] Meson build instructions for Tracker

Hi Sam

2017-03-30 23:54 GMT+02:00 Sam Thursfield <ssssam gmail com>:
I've been working on build instructions for Tracker using Meson.
They are now pretty much ready for use!

Nice work!

You can find them in the branch wip/sam/meson:

To use, you need to install Meson, which can either be done from Pip
(pip3 install --user meson), from a distro package (but beware that it
might be old), or you can run it right from Git

Then you do something like this:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    meson ..

Hm, did you mean "ninja" here?

You can run the test suite:

    ninja-build test

And `ninja-build install` to install of course.

Meson accepts standard arguments like --prefix, but to change the
Tracker-specific options you need to run mesonconf. Run it in the build
directory with no arguments to see all the available options, and pass
`-D option=value` to set something.

I've compared an install of this with an equivalent Autotools build. So
I'm confident there aren't major regressions, but it does require more
testing. Help with that is appreciated!

Here are a few remaining issues:

      * There's no `make dist` equivalent. We can use `git archive` to
        produce tarballs, but these won't have the .c files generated by
        valac. That said, shipping the generated .c files does make the
        Vala preprocessor useless so it would be good if we can stop,
        but that could break things for downstreams unexpectedly.

As one of your downstreams (Debian), I wouldn't have a problem of not
shipping pre-generated files (for gtk-doc and valac).

So a git archive tarball would be fine with me.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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