Re: [Tracker] TRACKER-Critical

Hi Chris,

First of all, sorry for the lack of responses. I personally had a
quite busy past weeks with gnome release, other core components
requiring attention, and several hackfests/conferences. I overall had
very little attention span left for Tracker, so sorry it caught you in

Let me encourage you to join the #tracker channel at gnome IRC servers
for questions like this. I can get more easily sidetracked over there
:), so the response time could be hopefully measured in minutes/hours
rather than days/weeks.

On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 5:25 PM, Chris <cpollock embarqmail com> wrote:
I've asked about this several times and have received, that I'm aware
of, no replies. Not even one saying 'don't worry about it'. If a bug
report is necessary I'd be happy to submit one. Here is what the latest
shows in my syslog (please ignore other than the pertinent entries).

This is about the last recurrent warning I know about in Tracker. It
is harmless (the file is already inserted in the database, just that
tracker-miner-fs tries to insert it again, everything else will work
alright with the already inserted information) , but unfortunately I
don't know of any reliable reproduction steps. These warnings happen
long after the real error (i.e. tracker-miner-fs had to deem the file
as "needs (re)indexing" during initialization, which is the
prerequisite to have the file indexed at all)

If you have any idea about how you got into that situation, please do
file a bug describing the steps to reproduce, they are most welcome.


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