Re: [Tracker] Memory usage for tracker-extract and tracker-miner-fs


Here are the numbers as requested:

 tracker status -a | grep -e "nfo:Folder" -e "nfo:FileDataObject"
  nfo:FileDataObject = 1704170
  nfo:Folder = 286147

As for the Netatlak deal, I was working with the developer.  It seemed that if you ran a query from a Mac 
that would return too many results, it would crash the Netatalk server.  So he put in code that returns 20 at 
a time to prevent that.  So on a volume like this, when you have several hundred results, it takes a LONG 
time for the list to complete.  Again, nothing to do with Tracker.


On Jan 21, 2016, at 7:01 AM, Carlos Garnacho <carlosg gnome org> wrote:

Hey Joe,

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 3:38 AM, Joe Rhodes <lists joerhodes com> wrote:
Indeed.  I was mistaken about the memory usage.   Tracker-miner-fs has now stabilized at about 265 MB of 
RAM.  I force a re-crawl once every two hours to update the index.

Thanks for the update! would be great if you could provide the output of:

 tracker status -a | grep -e "nfo:Folder" -e "nfo:FileDataObject"

So I have some solid numbers instead of ballpark estimations for cases
like yours :).

I've disabled the content searching for now by removing all the rules.  Nothing to do with Tracker.  It 
just took too long for the search results to populate on the Mac clients over Netatalk.  In this case, I 
*know* the bottleneck is in Netatalk.

Hmm, I guess netatalk queries fall into some performance pitfall, if
that's the case.

So for my purposes, 1.7.2 is looking great.   Thanks!

You're welcome :). Thanks for helping us catch this soon.


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