Re: [Tracker] Memory usage for tracker-extract and tracker-miner-fs

On Mon, 2016-01-18 at 12:57 +0100, Carlos Garnacho wrote:

As expected, the valgrind logs are a lot more favorable.
Tracker-extract reports:

==21759==    definitely lost: 168 bytes in 1 blocks
==21759==    indirectly lost: 6,046 bytes in 2 blocks

And those seem to be a memory pool in libjpeg that's mistakenly marked
as "lost". In tracker-miner-fs logs we see:

I was planning to try this one, but I'm not sure if it would make any

pvanhoof lars:~/repos/gnome/tracker$ git diff
diff --git a/src/tracker-extract/tracker-extract-jpeg.c
index 807555b..3012198 100644
--- a/src/tracker-extract/tracker-extract-jpeg.c
+++ b/src/tracker-extract/tracker-extract-jpeg.c
@@ -784,6 +784,7 @@ tracker_extract_get_metadata (TrackerExtractInfo
                tracker_sparql_builder_object_double (metadata, value);
+       jpeg_finish_decompress (&cinfo);
        jpeg_destroy_decompress (&cinfo);
        tracker_exif_free (ed);
pvanhoof lars:~/repos/gnome/tracker$ 

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