Re: [Tracker] Fwd: tracker 1.11.2

On Fri, 2016-12-09 at 00:44 +0100, Carlos Garnacho wrote:

Hello Carlos,

NO criticism on the content of the releases and the technical
improvements, nor on the communication on the security bug and panic of
certain people.

Just some remarks on versioning here.

  * tracker-extract: Sandbox extractor threads. Filesystem and network
    access are limited to being read and local only.

As a semver fan myself, I wonder why you didn't start 1.12.0 instead of
calling this update 1.11.2?

Sandboxing sounds to me like a new feature. Not just a bugfix.

As Tracker gets used in ever increasing use-cases, ie. not only
desktops, I think our users want a clear version numbering policy. The
semver rules offer just that, and are compatible with API and ABI
changes and packaging formats like Debian and RedHat's.

  * tracker-miner-fs: Fixed high CPU use when receiving many writeback
    notifications at once.
  * tracker-extract, libtracker-sparql, libtracker-miner: plug leaks
  * tests: cleanups and improvements

Those two are worthy of a 1.11.2, yes. So I would have released a 1.12.0
containing the sandboxing, and a 1.11.2 with these two.

Translations: hu


Now, I understand that 1.10.1 was in need of a upgrade too, and
incrementing its version number to 1.11.0 would have conflicted with
existing releases under 1.11.x.

What to do in that case, in my opinion, is to release a 1.12.0 coming
from 1.10.1 (instead of 1.10.2). And a 1.13.0 coming from 1.11.1
(instead of a 1.11.2). The release numbering just jumps over the
existing ones.

I also think that, given that you are maintaining +3 simultaneous
releases, a gitflow setup could be useful (develop, master, hotfix/*,
release/* and feature/*).

Kind regards,


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