[Tracker] REVIEW: 'data-provider-monitor-interface' branch

Hi all,

I've recently completed a feature branch to allow 3rd party data provider implementations to notify when data has been updated. This mimics the existing TrackerMonitor API that already exists but incorporates it into the existing TrackerDataProvider interface.

The branch is available here:


Please review. I plan to do an unstable release with this soon.

The TrackerMonitor code is untouched and the TrackerFileDataProvider (which is the file system and default implementation for tracker-miner-fs) simply connects all signals up to this. I've done it this way to preserve history and code clarity in tracker-monitor.c and to keep things as simple as possible right now.

The interface specifically is defined here:

Internally, we now have removed some of the places where a TrackerIndexingTree is required because a TrackerDataProvider already exists (in classes like TrackerFileNotifier, etc). This is because the Most classes in connection with the data provider need to know about the indexing tree.



Founder & Director @ Lanedo GmbH.

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