Re: [Tracker] Full Proposal and plan of action for GSOC [draft]

Hi Kunaal!

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 9:59 PM, kunaal jain <kunaalus gmail com> wrote:
Hi guys,

I am sharing link for the full proposal and plan of action of the
project. I am uploading it to Google-melange. According to GNOME,
GNOME foundation members can log in to melange through organisation
and leave comments. Please consider leaving positive comments there

Also please provide your valuable suggestions and edits/changes. Once
the community here approves this I'll submit the final version to


This looks like a major change, but something that could be really
good for Tracker if done right.

I'm not involved in choosing which proposals get accepted, but one
thing that might help is if you had some example of what the API
changes will actually look like. In particular, you give 21 days to
the task of "Adapt libtracker-sparql and tracker-store to accept a
parameter for the cache database and ontology.".  Would this only
change the D-Bus API, or libtracker-sparql as well? How, as an
application, would I specify what set of ontologies I wanted to use:
pass in a path to a directory containing them? Or something else?
Similarly, would I pass in the path to the Tracker store I wanted to

Have you thought about how to demonstrate use of this? A feature never
really works until it has met with the real world. So in the
'Debugging and testing. Generate tests, documentation for the
project.' section of your plan, I think it'd be sensible to implement
some kind of demo application (or better, adapt an existing app) that
actually makes use of this functionality. It'll be much easier to
evaluate it working if you can point at, for example, a branch of
Gnome Contacts which stores data using FOAF in addition to Nepomuk, or
a Gnome Music which uses the Music Ontology[1].

It's great to see you involved in the project, hope to see you at
GUADEC! And thanks Philip for offering up time to mentor Kunaal!



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