Re: [Tracker] [systemd-devel] How to use cgroups for Tracker?

On 23/10/14 12:01, Lennart Poettering wrote:
On Thu, 23.10.14 11:40, Martyn Russell (martyn lanedo com) wrote:
I don't really understand why it was developed as a half complete solution
if I am honest. It's not as if there are no examples to follow out there
(FSEvents) and it's not as if we didn't say what our user space requirements
were at the time.

fanotify may be use in synchronous mode, which is useful for virus
scanners. The asynchronous mode is just an addition on top, but
unfortunately nobody looks after it.

To my knowlegde apple's fsevents stuff isn't really the holy grail as
it basically makes the kernel hang on userspace components. That's the
wrong way round. userpsace may sync on kernel, and userspace on
userspace, but kernel on userspace is just bad design.

From what I could tell (from the article), it starts allocating memory if the buffer becomes too large while waiting on the user space app to sync and of course, there is a finite amount of that. It would be good to learn from their approach and perhaps update it slightly according to what we prefer in the kernel (as you say not depending on user space).

But what's also important to note is, not just ANY app can ask for those events, only trusted apps can - so it's not that bad for Apple. I don't think this would work for the Linux kernel because not everyone would be running Tracker. So yea, bad design for us, but not insurmountable to work around.


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