Re: [Tracker] tracker-extract not being restarted

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Martyn Russell schreef op 12/05/2014 16:18:
On 12/05/14 15:06, Ralph Böhme wrote:
Hi Martyn


We used to use DBus and that would instantiate processes for us,
but now we have this "passive" approach. It has advantages and

It has mostly advantages in my opinion. Also wrt watchdogging.
Although we're no longer implementing it apparently ;) (which is a

The advantage is, tracker-miner-fs is simpler and doesn't have to
deal with the mess of broken files crashing tracker-extract and
timeouts, etc. Also it means the file basic information is added to
Tracker quicker than it was previously because we have no delay on 
tracker-extract. Another advantage half realised (bits can be
improved still), is that we can group process files of the same
time and prioritise files of particular types. We have mime type
priorities currently I think. Disadvantages include having to wait
for the second pass indexing to complete :)

tracker-extract has _ALWAYS_ crashed because of the nature of the
files and libraries we're using being the weakest point. With this
in mind, it's quite bad that we don't have some sort of watchdog or
way to keep it up and running.

I think the watchdog should be configurable per system configuration.

For example with systemd we can let systemd automatically manage (and
that includes restarting) the process in case of a crash.

On systems that don't use systemd they'll probably have another init
subsystem that can do managent of this.

I think that both for systemd-based and for those systems it would be
silly to insist on using our own implementation of a separate watchdog
or forever-loop script to ensure tracker-extract is kept up:

        Often the sysadmin of such a system want the system-wide watchdog or
init infastructure to be aware of these restarts of the process.

Although I understand it smells like %windir%\system32\services.msc
and although the panic caused by this is becoming pandemic on
slashdot, I still think this is the right architecture nonetheless.

Because even our original implementation where tracker-extract was
activated because of a 'active' D-Bus method call was not perfect in
that there was no awareness or control by the system's infrastructure
to avoid that a constantly crashing tracker-extract is returning all
the times (what you later refer to as circular problems).

        Except that miner-fs would in the original implementation after
several attempts skip the file causing the crash (which was, fair
enough, quite a good attempt at somewhat solving the situation).

Nonetheless should we outsource this logic to the init system or the
"CoreOS" infrastructure as Lennart calls it (the kid has a name now).

On a typical Linux in the future this will hopefully be systemd, and
in my opinion we only need to provide the hooks and configurability to
system integrators who plan to use a different system for this purpose
(with default implementations for systemd, and maybe also for upstart
and openrc or whatever popular-alternative init system the knigths who
say NI(H) will use).

An example reason why I think the Core-OS subsystem should do this is
because I also believe that tracker-extract should run in its own
lightweight container, precisely because it can crash (because a crash
on input like a file is often an indication of a serious security
problem -- a reason why it should run in a container in my opinion).

Infrastructure like systemd could in case of a tracker-extract crash
revert the copy-on-write filesystem behind the container and restart
the entire OS, or it could opt to just restart the tracker-extract
process. The strategy to use isn't something the Tracker project
should choose, but the init system could (based on the sysadmin's

We could easily do this in tracker-miner-fs. Part of

But I think we shouldn't in case systemd is already doing it.

me thinks we should actually have a tracker-control --daemon which 
watches all process and keeps some sort of journal / log going and
also maintains processes like tracker-extract keep running. I
should add, this is something that nearly EVERY embedded solution
does itself with some script which keeps miner-fs running (not even
tracker-extract), because there is no other way to guarantee
Tracker is there to catch all events.

That script is what systemd should do.

The only downsides I see are repeated attempts causing a circular 
problem with tracker-extract. But that's easily remedied, we had to
do something like this in tracker-miner-fs before already.

Circular problems like this is what systemd would solve.

Happy to help :)

Cheers :)


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