Re: [Tracker] REVIEW: 'configurable-bus-type' branch

Hi Martyn,

this is awesome! I will test over the next couple of days.


Am 14.03.2014 um 12:07 schrieb Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>:

Hello all,

So, there have been various requests¹ for Tracker to be able to run on DBus's session OR system bus and to 
make that switch configurable. I recently saw a patch for this from someone and thought I would put the 
effort in to fully test and make sure this works in a more general sense for everyone.


I have created a branch here:

I've done some testing and it seems to work. As expected, the system bus has some security requirements, so 
you can't simply run your Tracker binaries with the environment variable:

 export TRACKER_BUS_TYPE=system

You also have to have a DBus policy file. I've attached the file I created to test this. Here is how you 
make use of it:

1. Copy the file into place:

  $ sudo cp ./org.freedesktop.Tracker1.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d/

2. Find the existing DBus process with:

  $ pgrep -xl dbus-daemon
  608 dbus-daemon
  2321 dbus-daemon

3. Tell DBus to re-read it's new configuration:

  $ sudo pkill -HUP dbus-daemon

4. Set the environment and run Tracker processes...

  $ export TRACKER_BUS_TYPE="system"
  $ /path/to/tracker-store -v 3

To check this has worked, you can look at the information at the top of the log output, it should say 
something like:

  Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:173: Using bus = 'SYSTEM'

Or, use d-feet to see it show up on the system bus.

I should add, if TRACKER_BUS_TYPE is set to complete crap or not set at all, we always default to the 

I plan to merge this to master before the stable releases.
Let me know if there are any comments! :)



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