Re: [Tracker] REVIEW: external-crawler branch

On 07/08/14 12:36, Martyn Russell wrote:
On 06/08/14 22:22, Sam Thursfield wrote:
diff --git a/src/libtracker-miner/tracker-file-system.c
index 7d9a236..dd81f49 100644
--- a/src/libtracker-miner/tracker-file-system.c
+++ b/src/libtracker-miner/tracker-file-system.c
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ file_system_finalize (GObject *object)
        g_node_destroy (priv->file_tree);

-       if (!priv->root) {
+       if (priv->root) {
                g_object_unref (priv->root);

Definitely squash this into 'libtracker-miner: FileSystem _new() now
takes GFile for root'

Thanks, I will.


commit 8cdc0188e2c4d341e6e9788370e9381e085ae34b
Author: Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>
Date:   Fri May 16 12:11:00 2014 +0100

    libtracker-miner: Fixed finalization logic for root unref, tests
were failing

Squash into 'libtracker-miner: IndexingTree _new() now takes a GFile' !

Various commits follow that could also do with being squashed.


+ * SECTION:tracker-enumerator
+ * @short_description: Enumerate URI locations
+ * @include: libtracker-miner/miner.h
+ *
+ * #TrackerEnumerator allows you to operate on a set of #GFiles,
+ * returning a #GFileInfo structure for each file enumerated (e.g.
+ * tracker_enumerator_get_children() will return a #GSList with the
+ * children within a parent directory or structure for the URI.
+ *
+ * This function is similar to g_file_enumerator_next_files_async(),
+ * unlike the g_file_enumerator_next() which will return one #GFile at
+ * a time, this will return all children at once.

That sounds like it could risk locking up the process, or even the
Some local filesystems take a LONG time to 'ls' sometimes, and chew up
amounts of IO while doing so. Is this definitely not going to be a
regression? What if the enumerator is operating on some crazy web API
lists millions of resources?

Actually, you make a good point here. Let me get back to you on this one.

So now we have:

- TrackerEnumerator (GInterface)
- TrackerDataProvider (GInterface) which provides a TrackerEnumerator


- TrackerFileEnumerator (using GIO API)
- TrackerFileDataProvider (using GIO API) implemented as default

I discussed this with Carlos and Philip earlier today, I think we're in agreement with the new API:


commit 410923dfc7aaaff9f862d51092d2209d8dad3e13
Author: Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>
Date:   Tue Jul 1 10:42:31 2014 +0100

    libtracker-miner: Added tracker_indexing_tree_get_master_root()
and set in constructed()

    This function gets the top level root for all roots, e.g. file:///

    We also create the root nodes in constructed() not init() because
then the
    root GFile has been set in the properties when the object is

I already find the use of the term "root" and "config_root" in
to be quite confusing. Now we have the concept of the "master root",
which is
mostly called "root", but is different the other type of "root".

I think we need some better words :)

"Config roots" should perhaps become "configured index points", and
the "master
root"/"root" can just be referred to as "root" everywhere.

Right. So let me clear this up:

- master root = top most level root node,
   e.g. file:///

- config root = a root node from GSettings,
   e.g. file:///home/martyn/Documents

- root = ANY root :) normally config root, but it can also apply to
   roots added for devices, which technically are not a config root or a
   master root ;)

Now added to the tracker_indexing_tree_get_master_root() documentation.

commit 011eccbd624aa494e42482c0d809ec588ee2a671
Author: Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>
Date:   Tue Jul 1 10:48:11 2014 +0100

    libtracker-miner: Create nodes / cahces in constructed() not init()

Typo: caches

Fixed thanks.

Thanks again for the review!


Founder & Director @ Lanedo GmbH.

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