[Tracker] Tracker creating multiple entries in Media Players

Tracker handles the indexing of media files in Maemo 5 on the Nokia N900
for use in the media player.
In said media player, a great percentage of my music tracks are
presented as duplicates, even though the files are present only once on
the device. In Maemo forums, three ideas are circulating about how to
handle this:
1) tracker-processes -r
did not solve anything for me as the database was rebuilt with the same
fault again.
2) touch name-of-duplicate-file
Is no good for me as the problem regards not just one file, but a couple
hundred or more - not all of them, but too many to do this manually for
each one. 
3) deleting the tracker folder (haven't tried that yet but looks to me
like it'd amount to the same effect as 1).

Well I just wanted to hear what you guys think about it, maybe this has
been fixed in newer versions of tracker. Unfortunately I'm unable right
now to tell which version of Tracker is used in Maemo.


P.S. Here are the related threads in Maemo forums:

  bennypr0fane myopera com

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