Re: [Tracker] the story on NFS

On Thu, 2013-11-14 at 14:25 -0500, Calvin Walton wrote:

An interesting note is that inotify actually *does* work on NFS, just in
a very limited manner.

Yes, I did notice that inotify seemed to be working on an NFS share.

inotify on NFS will only notice changes that
originate from the current (local) machine; it will not notify for
changes made by other (remote) clients or on the server.

Ahh.  That would match the testing scenario I was working in.

For the simple case of a user having an NFS home directory mounted on
only one computer at a time, inotify actually works quite well. But as
soon as you add any concurrent/remote file modification in, it falls
apart pretty badly.

So this is where fam is supposed to step in, right?  In particular
tracker should connect to a famd on a server that it is being asked to
index an NFS mount of?

If so, then that doesn't seem to be working here since I added an NFS
share and then checked the famd on the server the NFS share comes from
and it has no connections from my tracker machine:

# netstat -apn | grep 29707
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      29707/famd      

Assuming I'm understanding all of this well enough.


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