Re: [Tracker] Basic Reasoning

On 13/06/13 01:13, Ivan Frade wrote:


To be more precise, Tracker can solve queries much more complicated than
those... but you need to be specific on the properties.

For example "Give me the title property of all instances of class Music,
that have an artist [property linking to an artist instance] with name

Indeed, if you want to see an example of this, from the console, run tracker-needle:

  $ export G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all
  $ tracker-needle


You will see queries like this for music (which can be reasonably complex):

SELECT ?urn nie:url(?urn) tracker:coalesce(nie:title(?urn), nfo:fileName(?urn)) fn:string-join((?performer, ?album), " - ") nfo:duration(?urn) nie:url(?urn) WHERE {
                    ?urn nmm:musicAlbum ?match
                  } UNION {
                    ?urn nmm:performer ?match
                  } UNION {
                    ?urn a nfo:Audio .
                    ?match a nfo:Audio
                    FILTER (?urn = ?match)
                    ?match fts:match "love"
                  } UNION {
                    ?match nao:hasTag ?tag .
FILTER (fn:contains (fn:lower-case (nao:prefLabel(?tag)), "love"))
                  } .
                    ?urn nmm:performer [ nmm:artistName ?performer ] ;
                       nmm:musicAlbum [ nie:title ?album ] ;
                       nie:url ?tooltip .
} ORDER BY DESC(nfo:fileLastModified(?urn)) ASC(nie:title(?urn)) OFFSET 0 LIMIT 500


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