Re: [Tracker] PATCH: Allow disabling all extractors

On Tue, 2013-07-09 at 13:35 +0200, Jonatan Pålsson wrote:
Hi list,

Hi Jonatan,

I noticed it is not possible to disable some of the extractors
provided with Tracker (such as the extractor for generic text, DVI and
PS). This is a feature I needed, so I added --enable/--disable
switches to the script for the extractors not currently
switchable. The default is of course to have these extractors enabled.

If this is of interest, I come bearing patches :)


Allow disabling PNG:
Allow disabling AbiWord:
Allow disabling DVI:
Allow disabling MP3:
Allow disabling PS:
Allow disabling generic text:
Allow disabling icon / .ico
Also, I added a switch to not install the Tracker graphics (which are
only interesting for systems capable of displaying graphics):

I've pushed them all as-is. The patches where good.

I could also instead post the patches as diffs (or one big diff) to
the mailing list if this is preferable.

Nope, this was awesome.

Ideally you prepare a branch without the Tracker-IVI specific commits.
That way I don't have to skip them while rebasing your commits on top of
master. That should be your task ;-), as I'm not a maintainer of the
Tracker-IVI work.

For example
git checkout -b optional_extractors tracker-ivi/optional_extractors
git branch optional_extractors_upstream
git rebase -i optional_extractors
#Comment out the Tracker-IVI specific commits' pick lines
git push tracker-ivi optional_extractors_upstream

And you publish (just) optional_extractors_upstream to us.

I also recommend not using for your Tracker-IVI specific
configure switches. You should use your package system's features for
this purpose instead. Consider taking a look at Tracker's gitorious
repository which hosts the branches and tags for MeeGo Harmattan's
debian packaging and adaptations that are specific for the N9.

Just do the exact same thing.

Kind regards,


Philip Van Hoof
Software developer
Codeminded BVBA -

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