In my modul i read out that textinformatons (i use the djvulibre lib) an store that informations in the tracker db.I scan documents and archive it to a djvu sandwich which contain the text informations from ocr in a hidden layer.Hy Martyn,thank's for your quick responce. With your help and a little bit time i have made my first own extract module.
regards Matthiashere an example-output from tracker-extract:
matze matze-Satellite-C660:~/Dokumente/SCAN$ /usr/local/bin/tracker-extract -v 3 -f test.djvu
Initializing tracker-extract...
Tracker-Message: Setting up monitor for changes to config file:'/home/matze/.config/tracker/tracker-extract.cfg'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_LANGUAGE' was set to 'de_DE.UTF-8'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_TIME' was set to 'de_DE.UTF-8'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_COLLATE' was set to 'de_DE.UTF-8'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_NUMERIC' was set to 'de_DE.UTF-8'
Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_MONETARY' was set to 'de_DE.UTF-8'
Initializing Storage...
Mount monitors set up for to watch for added, removed and pre-unmounts...
No mounts found to iterate
Setting priority nice level to 19
Loading extractor rules... (/usr/local/share/tracker/extract-rules)
 Loaded rule '10-abw.rule'
 Loaded rule '10-djvu.rule'
 Loaded rule '10-html.rule'
 Loaded rule '10-ico.rule'
 Loaded rule '10-jpeg.rule'
 Loaded rule '10-mp3.rule'
 Loaded rule '10-pdf.rule'
 Loaded rule '10-png.rule'
 Loaded rule '10-ps.rule'
 Loaded rule '10-tiff.rule'
 Loaded rule '90-text-generic.rule'
 Loaded rule '93-mplayer-generic.rule'
 Loaded rule '93-totem-generic.rule'
Extractor rules loaded
Setting memory limitations: total is 18,4 EB, minimum is 256 MB, recommended is ~1 GB
 Virtual/Heap set to 268,4 MB (50% of total or MAXLONG)
Guessing mime type as '(null)'
 Using /usr/local/lib/tracker-0.14/extract-modules/
extract_content pagemax:
return dopage
return from extract_content
Done (3 items)
SPARQL pre-update:
SPARQL item:
Âa nfo:PaginatedTextDocument ;
ÂÂÂ Ânie:title "Scan from xsane to /home/matze/Dokumente/SCAN/test.djvu" ;
 Ânie:plainTextContent "The quick brown fox jumps over maddows by matze:abcâL537. Bestellauftraq fÃr Schulklassen âf? GewÃnschter Film: ......................................... ..( ........... ..Min.*) Vorstellung am .................. den ................ ..â um ........ .. Uhr (Di.âFr.â montags sind (Datum) keine Gruppenbuchungen mÃglich) ' Voraussichtliche Personenanzahl: ........................................ .. Name der Lehrerin/ des Lehrers: . ........................................ .. Name der Schule: .................................................................. .. StraÃe: .................................................................................. .. PLZ/ Ort: ............................................................................... .. Tel.: .................................. ..Fax:..... 1:] Ãberâ kostenlosesfÃntetrrichtsmateriai, besondere Angebotevnd Neuigkeiten zum Thema âKinofilme fÃr Schulenâ kÃnnen Sie uns gerne informieren. Unser Ansprechpartner fÃr Sie ............................................................ .. Kontaktadresse (Post oder Email) ............................................................... .. Datum: ............... âUnterschrift/ Stempel: ............................... .. RÃckfax an: CinemaxX Solingen 0212 â 38326-21 Wir holen Sie 15 Minuten vor Vorstellungsbeginn an unserem Haupteingang ab. Bitte zahlen Sie mit abgezÃhltem Geld zu Beginn der Veranstaltung. Unsere Preise: WeiterfÃhrende Schulen: 5,90 â pro Person 4 V Grundschulen & KiTas: 4,90 â pro Person 0 Diese Preise gelten fÃr Parkett. Logenaufschlag = 1,50 â p.P. 0g â a, Pi? Ãwir mÃchten in der Loge sitzen â5\\ FCâ; Pro Buchung nur eine Platzkategorie mÃglich Falls erforderlich: Saalreinigung pauschal â 30,00 * Preise jeweils ggf. zuzÃglich 0,60 â ÃberlÃngenzuschlag ab 120 Min. Ein Lehrer bzw. Begleitperson/ Klasse frei Sie erreichen uns tÃglich ab 9:30 Uhr unter 0212 38326-15. Ãx SÃLINGEQ; cf ist? AI: gjyïinemaxxvseitrzgenïte w " .
SPARQL where clause:
SPARQL post-update:
--2013/2/13 Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>
On 13/02/13 17:23, Matthias Thon wrote:
Hello Matthias,Cool, something you might want to include in Tracker itself perhaps? :)
i am new in this mailing list, and use tracker on my ubuntu 12.10 machine.
I like to create a own extract modul and worked in the example dir.
Make install should be a NOP, because the target library is in the target: noinst_LTLIBRARIES.
After a few modifications on libextract-mockup example i try to use
"make" and "make install". But in the .lib dir i only find a *.a file.
If you change the target to modules_LTLIBRARIES a .so is created in .libs/ and make install should work properly.For real examples, see src/tracker-extract/
What have i do , to create a *.so file. And what steps missing, to test
the extract modul in my environment.
You can also set the tracker-extract modules directory to the current directory to test your work without needing to install it.
See man tracker-extract for TRACKER_EXTRACTORS_DIR and TRACKER_EXTRACTOR_RULES_DIR environment variables ;)
Founder and CEO of Lanedo GmbH.