Re: [Tracker] PATCH: Allow specifying the ontology directory in DConf

On 12/08/13 07:53, Jonatan Pålsson wrote:

Hi :)

Can I ask what is wrong with using the TRACKER_DB_ONTOLOGIES_DIR environment

The idea here is the same as with the previous patch. Ideally I would
like all configuration to be placed in dconf. I'm looking forward to
be convinced in using environment variables instead ;)

My arguments aren't too convincing sadly :)

I think it's more of a preference (no pun intended) than anything. Some like command line arguments, some like env vars, some like other configurations.

Generally speaking, I like env variables because they work everywhere and have been used since the beginning of (unix?) time :) They also are widely accepted in most languages, portable, etc. Even the spawn APIs allow you to set these things up easily.

Using a config does limit you to some extent, because each time you run your binary, you're using that config and would have to change that config otherwise. Whereas, here I can comfortably run separate instances of Tracker (at the same time) with different environment variables and have them talking to different databases. There's just more freedom and flexibility IMO.

And as said, I think user config should be for things *users* may want to change and unfortunately, I don't consider the location of the DBs something a user would be interested in :)

Perhaps if you can explain why you need such radical changes to the
locations outside of are standardised areas, that could help us understand
the situation a little better :)

The reason for modifying the ontologies path is basically that I have
different sets of ontologies (the original Tracker ones, and a more
light-weight set of ontologies). I would like a non-root user to be
able to modify her ontologies, and configure Tracker to use these.

So are you using system-wide instance of Tracker and expecting a non-root user to use a different Tracker set up if they prefer?

Interesting :) can you elaborate?


Founder & Director @ Lanedo GmbH.

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