Re: [Tracker] tracker store timeout


On vie, 2013-04-19 at 12:14 +0300, MrJojohn1987 . wrote:

The timeout seem to be when doing tracker_sparql_update_async.

This still fits the symptoms that Ivan suspects about, usually readonly
queries are run on a direct connection to the database (tracker-store is
not involved), and updates/deletes are run through the dbus connection,
and handled centrally by tracker-store.

One thing worth checking is whether the tracker-store PID stays the same
while tracker-miner-fs is doing its business. If not, you could perhaps
attach to the tracker-store process with gdb and get a backtrace of it

  $ gdb /usr/libexec/tracker-store `pidof tracker-store`

Found this on google

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 7:37 AM, MrJojohn1987 .
<putineiionut gmail com> wrote:
        I run tracker with fd passing enabled and with sparql backend
        Recently i observed in logs that some of the queries/updates
        are not executed  because they receive a message like
        tracker-store is no started.
        The situation i kind of odd because now query is not executed
        and in 2-3 sec is executed.
        I am thinking that is because of thread pool.......seen that
        there are 2 threads for query pool and 1 thread for update
        Increasing the number of thread could help?
        Or if you have another ideea please share it.

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