Re: [Tracker] Tracker GConf should use DBus session bus

On Mon, 2012-09-03 at 13:38 +0200, Jens Georg wrote:
There's no upstream MeeGo anymore, and I don't believe Tizen cares about
Tracker, so I wouldn't spend one minute trying to handle those cases.

Well that's a bit black and white, the truth seems a bit more greyish.
I agree here. Tracker supports MeeGo Harmattan, so we should not blindly
throw code for supporting the platform away. In the end there are many
deployments (sold N9 devices) and who knows what happens to that
platform (however unlikely, and whatever about TiZen, for me that
platform isn't even remotely related to the N9).

Technically there's atm no reason to throw it away and from a
maintenance perspective it's not troubling anybody right now.

Whoever uses it should realize that it's for MeeGo Harmattan. If they
want to make this more generic they can do it keeping in mind that MeeGo
Harmattan should work the way it works now (don't break stuff), or
implement a new version of it for another platform (fine too).

Kind regards,



Philip Van Hoof
Software developer
Codeminded BVBA -

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