[Tracker] managed to build 0.12.3..! now tracker-needle..?

Hi all,
and thanks for all the help. I finally managed to build the 0.12.3 and it seems to be indexing my file system.

In the end I simply
sudo make install

I am not quite sure why it worked now...

Now I would like to also build tracker-needle:

./configure --enable-tracker-needle

and I get

configure: error: Couldn't find tracker-needle dependencies (glib-2.0     >= 2.28.0
                         gio-unix-2.0 >= 2.28.0
                         gthread-2.0  >= 2.28.0
                         gmodule-2.0  >= 2.28.0
                         gtk+-3.0     >= 3.0.0).

I do have the libglib2.0-dev  version 2.28.6-0ubuntu1 installed which I thought should provide these.

thanks for any suggestions...


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