Re: [Tracker] [RFC] Adding CUE sheet support

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Sam Thursfield <ssssam gmail com> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com> wrote:
On 14/09/11 01:35, Sam Thursfield wrote:

I did like the idea of the URL with a fragment, but now I realise how
much extra data the FS miner attaches when it adds nie:FileDataObject
information - it seems wrong for the tracks of a larger file to also
have type FileDataObject (necessary to set nie:url) but not have any
of the useful file-specific metadata that the FS miner would attach
(because we create the tracks as part of the preupdate).

It now seems more "correct" to me to make the tracks have no nie:url,
but relate them to the container file with nie:isStoredAs and add a
nmm:containerOffset propery which gives the time offset in the
container. Is this logical?

I would be careful when referring to file names too. Currently, renaming or
moving files on the disk only requires 1 update in the database and not
re-extraction of data. If we start storing path / filename information in
other places, it means this can be out of step with rename/move operations.

There's one outstanding issue which I'm open to ideas on - how to
delete the track resources when the file is re-crawled. The obvious
solution isn't supported by the query parser (unbound predicate):

DELETE { ?track p ?o } WHERE { ?track nie:isStoredAs ?file. ?file
nie:url "file:///test.flac" . ?track ?p ?o } "

For mailing list archive readers, the correct way to do this in Tracker is:

DELETE { ?track a rdfs:Resource} WHERE { ?track a nmm:MusicPiece ;
nie:isStoredAs ?file . ?file nie:url "file:///test.flac" }"

I've pushed a new version of the branch to cuesheets-0.12 and I
consider it ready for review. There are tweaks that can be done etc.
but everything is working.


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