Re: [Tracker] ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.12.0 released (stable)

Congrats to the new release

2011/9/9 Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>:
Where can I get it?

A few things I noticed:

1/ Starting tracker-needle or tracker-preferences from the command
line, I get a lot of debug messages like:
# tracker-needle
(tracker-needle:20965): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-history.vala:26: Loading history
(tracker-needle:20965): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-history.vala:56:
Found 22 previous search histories
(tracker-needle:20965): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-history.vala:58:   Done
(tracker-needle:20965): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-view.vala:100: using
# tracker-preferences
(tracker-preferences:20937): Tracker-DEBUG:
tracker-preferences.vala:61: Getting current settings
(tracker-preferences:20937): Tracker-DEBUG:
tracker-preferences.vala:76: Trying to use UI
(tracker-preferences:20937): Tracker-DEBUG:
tracker-preferences.vala:186: Got response id -7 (apply:-10, close:-7)

Interesting here is also the fact that tracker-preferences tries to
load the ui file from the directory I built the package and not

2/ My settings from 0.10.* are not migrated,
  Is this due to the switch to gsettings?
E.g. If I fire up tracker-preferences all the locations I configured
for indexing are reset.
This is imho a really import bug to fix.

3/ tracker-preferences shows under "Locations"

ie. no actual folders. Imho this doesn't make it really obvious which
folders are indexed.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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