Re: [Tracker] disabled plugins?

On 16/09/11 07:16, BjÃrn Johansson wrote:


I installed the 0.12.1 andnow there are some plugins that does not seem
to work?
It does not seem to index new files. Any ideas what might be wrong?

bjorn bjorn-laptop:~/Desktop/tracker-0.12.1$ tracker-control
Found 148 PIDsâ
Found process ID 25927 for 'tracker-miner-flickr'
Found process ID 25930 for 'tracker-store'

16 Sep 2011, 07:12:36:  â     Store                 - Idle

16 Sep 2011, 07:12:36:  â     Flickr                - Idle
16 Sep 2011, 07:12:36:  â     Emails                - Not running or is
a disabled plugin
16 Sep 2011, 07:12:36:  â     File System           - Not running or is
a disabled plugin
16 Sep 2011, 07:12:36:  â     Applications          - Not running or is
a disabled plugin

The last 2 here should always be running. Can you use:

  tracker-control -s


  tracker-control -F


I wonder if this is just that it hasn't started for some bizarre reason or if the miner-fs really bombs out due to some error. If it doesn't start, can you try running it manually with:

  /usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs -v 3

and let me know the output?



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