[Tracker] Trying out ordered deletes (was: Making some of our team-plannig public)

Hey :),

Philip wrote:
o. Some item_remove performance improvements:

   Right now for each delete two queries are executed
     o. Set the tracker:available to false   - (a)
     o. Delete the actual resource           - (b)
      They are put in the process pool with the same priority. (look for
      tracker_processing_pool_push_ready_task in item_remove). This
      means that the queue looks like this:


      The first query (a) is being done because (b) is slow. But looking
      at the queue it's not helping much: The queue should look like
      this instead:


I've been trying out this idea, this is now implemented in the
grouped-deletes branch, I've added bulk tasks, which gather a collection
of similar operations, the sparql is composed on flush. Due to event
granularity and intermediate flushes, processing is rather something

   aaabbb aaaabbbb aabb ab aabb ...

which also helps in getting a somewhat prompt response as items are

From my timings, it causes little/no effect to small deletes, but seems
to help increasingly for bigger deletes, Deleting a folder containing
141 mp3 took about the same (both ~5.6s) on this laptop, Deleting an
unclean gtk+ repo shows a ~1min reduction (~116s vs ~172s) on the same


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