Re: [Tracker] Tracker and Contacts

Le Sun, 23 Jan 2011 17:01:59 +0100,
Philip Van Hoof <spam pvanhoof be> a écrit :

On Sat, 2011-01-22 at 11:28 +0200, Adrien Bustany wrote:
Le Thu, 20 Jan 2011 15:53:03 +0200,
Ivan Frade <ivan frade gmail com> a écrit :


 No, nobody is working on it :) It would be excellent. I took a
look into libfolks some time ago, and i think it could be done in
two steps:

Well, I know at least one project using the contact ontology quite
heavily: ;) So
the ontologies are used and maintained. Then of course this is not
GLib code, but it gives a good example of how to use nco to read
contacts (and it would actually make sense for libfolks to follow
the same conventions).

1. Make a backend for libfolks that READs the contacts from
tracker (libfolks will save the results or merging contacts in
its own .ini file)

2. Make tracker the main backed of libfolks replacing that .ini
file. That would be awesome!

It's still not very clear though if storing things like contact
presence in Tracker is the best thing to do...

It would be interesting for the Tracker project if qtcontacts-tracker
and libfolks / Telepathy teams would some day sit together with us
(the entire Tracker team will for example be at FOSDEM) to discuss
use-cases and metadata needs.

Definitely, I won't be there this year though :/

Especially since support for transient properties in Tracker proved
to be not very conclusive :/

It would for example be good for us to know what kind of support for
transient properties you need from Tracker; how they should work. How
you people see it.

To me, transient only means "not meant to be persisted", so that can be
optimized how you want it in Tracker.

When it comes to typical transient properties for contacts and IM,
there's a thin line between being a metadata provider and turning into
an IPC abstraction, system or layer on top of D-Bus. We very much want
to focus on the former and avoid becoming the latter.

An example: using Tracker's class signals to replace file monitoring
is something that we don't recommend at all.

But nonetheless should we as teams working on these components that
ought to exchange and cooperate on (meta)data and sometimes
functions / actions make sure that we don't duplicate functionality,
that we enable use-cases, ease development, ease interopability, etc.

So I'd say it probably makes sense to get the presence etc. directly
from telepathy, or wherever it comes from, and do the merging "live"
without passing by Tracker (which is actually one of the usecases of
libfolks if I'm right?).

That probably makes sense. But when you need to involve the presence
of a contact in a query, Tracker probably needs the presence data too.

That however doesn't mean that applications should be recommended to
use Tracker's class-signal feature to update themselves about the
presence of a contact. Just that they might have to use it when the
presence of a contact is involved in the WHERE (the selection) of a

 SELECT nco:fullname (?c) { ?c a nco:IMContact ;
  ncal:birthday '$today' ;
  nco:imContactPresence nco:presence-status-available . }

Good point, I had skipped this use case. But then, if we have presence
into tracker, libfolks would be a G equivalent to qtcontacts-tracker &

The reason why we don't do much special for transient properties right
now is because due to libtracker-sparql's direct-access mode we can't
use SQLite's TEMPORARY tables. We tried with making a new .db file
on /dev/shm and then ATTACHing the .db file to meta.db's connection,
but that slowed down access to the transient data to the point of it
being much slower than just enduring the I/O on disk. We don't have
much transient properties anyway, so the little bit of extra I/O isn't
something that we are very worried about.

We do have a branch that removes the journaling of properties that are
annotated as transient. This branch has not been applied to master
yet. The performance improvement is negligible but at least the
journal file doesn't needlessly grow when transient properties
change. We right now also don't unset transient properties at
restart, or at least isn't this well tested anymore.



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