Re: [Tracker] SQLite databases

On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 18:13 +0000, Martyn Russell wrote: 
On 20/01/11 16:20, George Farris wrote:
Hi all,


Is there some reason tracker is setup to talk to Evolution for indexing
email?  Email indexing hasn't really worked well since the days before
Evo used SQLite?

I would really love to have my email indexed and not just the subject
but the entire thing.

We can do the entire thing, but that's really close to cloning your 
email and that decision splits the team currently. It also is quite a 
performance drain on Evolution and your machine to index all the content 
too. Philip has the details :)

Is there anything that can be done here out of curiosity?>

Do you have any evidence to suggest that SQLite is not good enough, if 
so, do you have a proposed replacement?

No I think SQLite is probably fine. In the past before Evo changed to
SQLite both Beagle, and I think Tracker, could index email and one could
search for content inside the email, which of course is exactly what one
wants to do.

I'm just trying to find a way back to what we had 3 years ago.  It's one
of those crucial things for an enterprise desktop function.

The current search function in Evo doesn't work very well and in fact
crashes Evo from time to time.

I should add, we are not of the same opinion ;)

So then you have full email indexing? I've followed all the instructions
but to no avail and this is with the latest Evolution (Ubuntu 10.10) and
Tracker from both the repository and compiled from the tracker site.


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