Re: [Tracker] does/will Tracker expose a SPARQL endpoint?

Le Thu, 6 Jan 2011 01:57:18 -0600,
Darren Cruse <darren cruse gmail com> a écrit :

Hi guys,

Brand new to tracker apologize if this has already been asked but
didn't see it in the archives...

I'm working on a project creating RDF metadata from a fairly large
pool of html documents where the results have to be searchable
remotely in what we'd assumed would be a web interface.

It's funny a first stab at the system has been done using an approach
that looks a lot like tracker, if tracker had a SPARQL endpoint where
we could transform it's SPARQL xml response into html for the web
based search UI (in our case using our preferred toolset which for us
would be XQuery and/or java, not C/C++).

But I don't see mention of a SPARQL endpoint for tracker?

Is there one and/or is there plans for one?

Or does using Tracker for this purpose feel at odds with how Tracker's

(though there's mention of metadata "sharing" in some of the
literature I'm seeing on "Semantic Desktop" in my brief look at
Tracker and Nepomuk KDE I'm not clear how to get at the RDF metadata
on anything but the machine it's been indexed on)


tracker-list mailing list
tracker-list gnome org

Hello Darren,

I think this was done once by Mark Doffman (sorry if I'm misspelling),
who was running some benchmarks against tracker. You might want to
check with him. Doing one from scratch shouldn't be too hard, it's just
a matter of running the query and formatting the results properly, all
the heavy lifting is done by Tracker.



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