Re: [Tracker] How to use tracker-miner-rss?

I don't think you need to make the FeedChannel a DataObject, actually
it's not one.

Regarding the critical, that looks not so good :/ Hopefully the author
will comment here.



Le Sun, 20 Feb 2011 23:33:00 +0900,
simon hong <simon hong81 gmail com> a écrit :


In these days, I'm trying to use tracker-miner-rss.
I tried Tracker-based feed reader
( ), but sadly, it cannot build with
latest tracker libraries.

I want to write tracker-feed utility to manage feed information for
tracker-miner-rss, but currently I don't have enough knowledge about
tracker system and rdf ontology.

So, I wrote ttl file to insert feed information for tracker-miner-rss.

=====   ttl file contents - start ======

@prefix nie:
<>. @prefix
mfo: <>.

<nytimes> a nie:DataObject, mfo:FeedChannel;
        mfo:feedSettings <nytimesSettings>;
        nie:url "";;
        nie:title "nytimes - Americas" .

<nytimesSettings> a mfo:FeedSettings;
        mfo:updateInterval 1 .

====== ttl file contents - end =======

After I import this file by using tracker-import, I could confirm by
the same sparql query in tracker-miner-rss.

tracker-sparql -q "SELECT ?chanUrl ?interval ?chanUrn WHERE{?chanUrn a
mfo:FeedChannel . ?chanUrn mfo:feedSettings ?settings . ?chanUrn
nie:url ?chanUrl . ?settings mfo:updateInterval ?interval}"

tracker-query outputs
Results:, 1, nytimes

After this import, I run "/usr/local/libexec/tracker-miner-rss"
And, It is dead by segmentation fault.

This is the output tracker-miner-rss.
======= tracker-miner-rss output - start ========
Starting log:

(tracker-miner-rss:28218): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from
`TrackerSparqlBackend' to `TrackerMinerRSS'

(tracker-miner-rss:28218): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from
`TrackerSparqlBackend' to `TrackerMiner'
Segmentation Fault
======= tracker-miner-rss output -end =========

Am I wrong to use tracker-miner-rss or my ttl file?
I want to use tracker-miner-rss, but it is difficult to me.

Please give any advices.

Thank you.

2011/1/31 Martyn Russell <martyn lanedo com>

On 25/01/11 14:57, Roberto Guido wrote:

On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 23:33 +0900, simon hong wrote:

When I want to add feed adsress, shoud I update feed address in
tracker store by using tracker-sparql?
Is this right?

 Yes, it is. All managed feeds are mapped in tracker-store with
ontology, no other configurations are involved.

Some time ago I started a project for a Tracker-based feed reader
( ), but as many other things I had
noTracker-based feed reader
time to maintain and evolve it. My TODO list is too long :-\
In that package you find feeds-manager, a graphical tool to admin
feeds mapped in tracker-store (add, remove, change attributes...):
I'm unsure it is yet aligned with current version of Tracker's
API, try it and if it doesn't works we can try to fix it.

Actually, it is interesting you mention this, I would like to
improve the way feeds are used with the tracker utils perhaps. I
agree, we have a miner, but it is not obvious how that miner works
or how to get your feeds into it. Perhaps tracker-feed (a new
utility) should be written to test and allow simple administration
of this?

Any takers?


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