Re: [Tracker] Live queries

My first instinct was that performance would be better if the IPC layer could be skipped, yes. But perhaps the advantage is negligible? One case I can think of is if there is spike in inserts/deletes not matching any registered live query. If using GraphUpdated, then each of these will have to go through IPC to be checked by my implementation, even though none of them will lead to any useful action. This seems wasteful (2 redundant context switches etc. per insert/delete), but I am not familiar enough with neither Tracker nor D-BUS to determine if this is likely to have much impact in practice.

Anders Feder

Den 28-08-2011 20:24, Adrien Bustany skrev:
Writeback and GraphUpdated are actually not that different, in the
sense that they both signal updates to the outer world. They also both
apply to only certain statements (filtered with tracker:notify for
GraphUpdated, and tracker:writeback for writeback). One difference
between GraphUpdated and the writeback signal is that GraphUpdated
signals are batched together (for performance reasons), so it's not
exactly real time.
What exactly are you missing with GraphUpdated? The fact that it
involves IPC?



Le Sun, 28 Aug 2011 12:00:07 +0200,
Anders Feder <lists anders feder dk> a écrit :

Thanks. While studying the GraphUpdated interface, I stumbled upon
the writeback feature. Apparently, it does essentially the equivalent
of a live query: it populates a hash table with predicates to watch
and takes an action every time data using one of these predicates is
inserted or deleted in the store.

Would it make sense, then, to make a more generic "stuff to watch" 
mechanism that can be used by both writeback and live queries? Would 
such a solution have any chance of being accepted into the main
source tree?

Anders Feder

On 27-08-2011 13:02, Adrien Bustany wrote:
Hi Anders

you might be interested in 
which is "live query" implementation on top of qsparql, Qt's
library to access Tracker (and other RDF stores). I've never used
myself, but it's used in several places in the Harmattan operating
system, so it must be working somehow ;)
If you were to start your own implementation (for example, GLib
based), I'd guess it'd sit on top of libtracker-sparql and the DBus
GraphUpdated signal...



Le Sat, 27 Aug 2011 00:00:44 +0200,
Anders Feder<lists anders feder dk>  a écrit :


So, I finally managed to compile from source. I noted that in your
wiki you list "live queries" / "views" as a thing you would like to
implement in the future. I too am interested in such a feature, and
was wondering if anyone could please me give some pointers as to
how I might go about working on this item? I.e. where in the
codebase would you add this functionality, are there any other
changes that must be made first, etc. Thanks,

Anders Feder

lør, 07 05 2011 kl. 23:49 +0300, skrev Ivan Frade:
  it could be that you don't have the introspection.m4 file? check
that you have the gobject-introspection packages installed. then
try to start from scratch, with git clean -dfx (beware this will
remove any file that you have added!) and the usual and

  hope this helps,


On 5/7/11, Anders Feder<lists anders feder dk>  wrote:

When trying to build the latest version of Tracker from git on
Ubuntu 11.04, I get the following error:

autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy
--force-missing src/libtracker-extract/
src/libtracker-extract/ INTROSPECTION_CFLAGS must
be set with `=' before using `+='
src/libtracker-miner/ HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not
src/libtracker-miner/ INTROSPECTION_CFLAGS must
be set with `=' before using `+='
src/libtracker-sparql/ HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not
autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1

Any idea what might be causing this? Thanks,

Anders Feder

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-Anders Feder

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