[Tracker] When to index files


Currently updated files are indexed by tracker if GIO issues a
G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGES_DONE_HINT event. This event may happen due
to two different reasons:
 a) The process which updated the file close()d it.
 b) The process which updated the file didn't close it, but 2 seconds
elapsed since the last write() done to the file.

This 2 second delay is currently hardcoded, but I already implemented a
patch for GLib to set it configurable or even to disable the whole b)

The question now is, which should be the default tracker behavior?
 * Only index the file if the process which updated it close()d it?
(a-only case)
 * Or also index the file even if the process didn't close() it but some
time happened since the last write()? (a+b case, as we currently do)

Does anyone have strong feelings for one or the other approach?



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