Re: [Tracker] A question regarding to tracker search

On 17/03/10 02:09, Zheng, Huan wrote:


Is it possible for tracker to search like “ SELECT ?p WHERE {?p a
nmm:MusicPiece . ?p nmm:performer [nmm:artistName ‘T*’]}”

Please note, I used T* inside artistName, I want to search songs that
their artist name start with T.

Or further more, artist name to fit for some other regular expression.

Yes, you can use:

tracker-sparql -q "select ?p nmm:artistName(?a) where { ?p a nmm:MusicPiece ; nmm:performer ?a }"

However, you might want to refine this a little. Perhaps using:

tracker-sparql -q "select ?p nmm:artistName(?a) nie:title(?p) where { ?p a nmm:MusicPiece ; nmm:performer ?a }"

That way you get the track name too.

For doing filters you can use either fn:starts-with as below:

tracker-sparql -q "select ?p nmm:artistName(?a) nie:title(?p) where { ?p a nmm:MusicPiece ; nmm:performer ?a . FILTER (fn:starts-with(nmm:artistName(?a), \"T\")) }"

Or a regex:

tracker-sparql -q "select ?p nmm:artistName(?a) nie:title(?p) where { ?p a nmm:MusicPiece ; nmm:performer ?a . FILTER regex(nmm:artistName(?a), \"jovi\", \"i\") }"

This would find all of bon jovi's hits for example.

Hope this helps.


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