Re: [Tracker] What's the fast method to get partial items after sorting.

tracker-sparql -q "SELECT ?photo WHERE{?photo a nmm:Photo} ORDER BY
ASC(?photo) OFFSET 1000 LIMIT 100"
tracker-sparql -q "SELECT ?photo WHERE{?photo a nmm:Photo} ORDER BY
ASC(?photo) OFFSET 2000 LIMIT 100"

Those queries look pretty useless, you are getting a list of sorted
uris of pictures (generated uris, not even the real location). You are
sorting a list like "urn:uuid:1273628", "urn:uuid:98377273", ...

These should be:
SELECT nie:url(?photo) WHERE {?photo a nmm:Photo} ORDER BY ...

your usage of offse and limit is fine though. We cannot help with the
performance of such a "laboratory" query. could you try with a more
realistic example?

He is probably trying to retrieve a very large number of urls in batches.

Happy hacking,
One reason that life is complex is that it has a real part and an
imaginary part.
    -- Andrew Koenig

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