Re: [Tracker] ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.7.22 released

On 25/02/10 17:21, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
On Thu, 2010-02-25 at 17:10 +0000, Martyn Russell wrote:

    * Support ontology additions by 3rd party applications

This isn't entirely correct. What got added is support for ontology

We support it when in one of our own .ontology files, a class or a
property (or both combined) gets added.

We don't support picking up new .ontology files, nor do we support it
when a .ontology file gets removed.

3rd party apps aren't supposed to change our .ontology files either.

Both of these are essential to support 3rd party app's ontologies.

ps. Support for this is on my agenda situated around late April without
     any promises whatsoever. I can help contributors if they want this
     feature more early and are willing to sacrifice some of their time.

Thanks for the update Philip.


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