Re: [Tracker] Indexing mbox files


Would you be interested in an extractor that extract information from
mailboxes written in Vala ? If you are, I'll have to ask permission from
my employer but I'm sure it could be done.

(For the moment, it doesn't do MIME multipart nor threading since that
wasn't useful for my application)

I prefer the approach of file extractors to the applications plugin that
updates the tracker database. The file extractors work for any filetype
you support while plugins have to be rewritten for every application.

For example, I don't use evolution, and my mail client changed from
sylpheed to claws-mail and now Thunderbird and perhaps soon Balsa.
Writing a plugin for each is a waste of time, especially considering
they all use standardised formats.

Recently, I just realized that tracker was a wonderful thing. You could
write an e-mail reader that should just use tracker to find all the
e-mails you have on your machine. The same way, we could hae a contacts
application that would let you see all contacts everywhere on your
machine, vCards on your ~/Documents, or sent to you as e-mail
attachments... There is no limitation.

Truly interoperable

I'd love such a desktop, than you guys to make this possible!


Mildred Ki'Lya
ââââââââââ ïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïï ââââââââââ
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