Re: [Tracker] Sparql search application

On 06/08/10 10:59, 孤云独闲 wrote:


Thank you! yes, there is not any email in Tracker at all. because it 
returns "Results:0", how should i index the email in Tracker? 

If you're running on the GNOME desktop, Evolution is where you can pump
data into Tracker from. There is a plugin to enable for that.

If you're using Meego/Maemo, you need to make sure the email application
is pushing data to Tracker too.

i didn't 
known why there is not any email in Tracker, but there are many emails 
in Evolution.

Looks like there are no emails there.

i can search softwareApplication by API which libqttracker supports. 
RDFVariable query_result = 

am i right? who can give me some suggestions?

Pass :) Looks ok to me, but I am unqualified to really answer here.


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