[Tracker] GUI Clients

1. I have a small useful mostly open source touchscreen umpc/smartphone the Nokia N900.   With this device it becomes practical, to a large extent only possible, to use more of a graphical approach for getting things done.  It has tracker 0.6.95-25, I'm sure with a little time I can get either 0.8* or 0.9* in it.  What gui clients exist at present to both tag and make queries on metadata be they the tags created or the filetype, text in file, etc..? 

In the best of possible scenarios I would like a gui file manager that can organize my files using specific metadata be this the date of creation,  type of file, tags I've associated with the file, text in the file and what not and I want this to be graphical.  Is there such a client right now?  If not does it make sense to work on one from scratch?  I realize GNOME 2.30 is right around the corner and it may have much of the functionality I'm interested built in, though I would prefer not to wait 3 months.  So if there isn't a client that would suit my needs can you suggest to me a way to actualize my desire building upon what has already been done?

My attempts to find existing gui clients has thus far led to disappointment.  As far as I can tell, in theory, Nautilus supports Tracker through extensions/scripts but from my personal experience with Ubuntu and second hand for Fedora users, even upon recompliling Nautilus with the necessary libraries for Tracker support is very limited - though functionality found in a side-panel/bar extension to Nautilus 2.22 as shown in this video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ5YyMsLtyE , is much to my liking though how to achieve this functionality I'm uncertain?

thank you for reading,

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