[Tracker] ANNOUNCE: tracker 0.9.2 released (unstable)

tracker 0.9.2 is now available for download from:

0487b7eddec3dea9c5475f184596fec4  tracker-0.9.2.tar.gz

What is it?
All-in-one indexer, search tool and metadata database.

Where can I find out more?
You can visit the project web site:


What's New?

A lot of these changes have also been back-ported to the 0.8 branch!

Improvements / New:

  * Fix build failures on none Linux platforms
  * Depend on SQLite >= 3.6.17 for shared cache mode (for FTS)

  * nfo:isContentEncrypted was defined in nmm, not nfo
  * Added tracker:indexed for nfo:fileLastModified
  * Added tracker:fulltextIndexed for nie:subject
  * Added tracker:fulltextNoLimit for nie:subject
  * Added tracker:weight of 5 for nie:subject
  * Added tracker:indexed for nmm:musicAlbum
  * Added tracker:indexed for nmm:performer
  * Added tracker:indexed for mlo:location

  Functional Tests:
  * Added videos to the data generation
  * Added test set configuration for maximum values
  * Added full text queries
  * Added basic file operations for miner-fs and desktop environments
  * Added file operation tests for multilevel subfolders
  * Fixed writeback tests to wait for signal before testing extraction

  * Support O_LARGEFILE when using g_open for the journal
  * Support cancellation (after 30 seconds) for abusive queries
  * Use sqlite3_config (SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD)

  * Fixed memory leak on journal replay

  * Don't translate statuses
  * Improve crawling queries (3693 dirs, 27678 files, was 651s, now 166s)

  * Don't run past an array in XMP tests

  * Support all requests using GThreadPool
  * Support parallel queries (uses 2 threads for now, tested with more)
  * Support cancelling queries when clients disconnect (from D-Bus)

  * Set nfo:isContentEncrypted for encrypted docs
  * Improve <script> bypassing.
  * Fixed double free in Vorbis extractor

  * Fixed typo in man page for command line args

  * Added --list-common-statuses option

  * Added --reindex-mime-type and --start options to man page docs


  * GB#615856 - add html content extraction
  * GB#615868 - Improved OASIS extractor
  * GB#616165 - Improved reading PS and PS-GZ files
  * GB#615948 - Improved reading msoffice/xml files
  * GB#616403 - Improve & fix reading msoffice/powerpoint files
  * GB#616329 - Improve and fix reading msoffice/excel files
  * GB#616158 - Improve reading msoffice files
* NB#161964 - Some special audio files are not displayed in the Music & Radio application after copying to device using USB networking.

  * Updated es: Jorge GonzÃlez
  * Updated sl: Andrej ÅnidarÅiÄ
  * Updated de: Christian Kirbach



22 April 2010
Tracker team

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