[Tracker] suggestions for improving tracker


I'm using tracker 0.6.93 at the moment, so all items I mention might be fixed in 0.7 but I don't know. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04.

+++ GUI issues +++
1) When searching for something with the tracker search tool (GUI) the results area is rather often messed up (the entries for each result are much higher than they need be => https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/448677; going to the next 'page' of search results usually helps after resizing the results area).
2) Add a possibility to show more than 10 results on one page
3) When it says 'Showing results 1-10', it actually should show all results. However, at the moment it often shows a smaller number, without any explanation what's wrong.
4) It would be nice to not only have 'Documents' as a very generic description, but also maybe 'pdf'. (or at least give an indication somewhere, what categories are available)
5) an option to exclude filetypes might be nice (I might now that what I'm looking for is a pdf-file and not a config file or *.txt)
6) allow me to sort my search results by folders - I quite often know that what I'm searching for is for example not in folder x although the search term is found there very often (my current workaround is to exclude the folder which is not a very elegant solution)
7) GUI possibility to remove tags (e.g., put a - next to the +)

+++ Preferences issues +++
I like setting the "Smart Pausing" setting to "on" in Tracker Preferences. However, every time I change something in the Indexer Preferences, "Smart Pausing" is reset to "off". This is rather annoying as it makes my PC unusable.

+++ Search issues +++
1) allow phrase searches/searching for acronyms (ATM =/= atm =/= atmospheric)
2) maybe a search for author might be nice (useful for documents if they are properly done)

Any opinions?

Thanks for your attention

- Maria

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