[Tracker] nfo:belongsToDataContainer

Hi guys,
I was wondering if there is any particular reason for
nfo:belongsToContainer to be single valued:

nfo:belongsToContainer a rdf:Property ;
   rdfs:label "belongsToContainer" ;
   rdfs:comment "Models the containment relations between Files and
Folders (or CompressedFiles)." ;
   rdfs:subPropertyOf nie:isPartOf ;
   nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
   rdfs:domain nie:DataObject ;
   rdfs:range nfo:DataContainer .

Apparently it's not a restriction given by nfo itself:

Thank you all and ciao,

P.S. Please test and evaluate the itsme emulator: http://itsme.it/emulator/

web: www.marcoloregian.net // skype: marco.loregian

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